European Convention on Human Rights
Showing 1-10 of 201 item(s)
The Court in brief leaflet is an introduction to the Court and the key dates in its history. It gives a short summary of the Convention and its guarantees and prohibitions.
Format :
Ref 026020BIL
Poster created on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The Court in brief leaflet is an introduction to the Court and the key dates in its history. It gives a short summary of the Convention and its guarantees and prohibitions.
A Convenção Europeia dos Direitos do Homem, assinada em Roma a 4 de novembro de 1950, foi o primeiro instrumento a concretizar e a dar efeito vinculativo aos direitos consagrados na...
The Court in brief leaflet is an introduction to the Court and the key dates in its history. It gives a short summary of the Convention and its guarantees and prohibitions.
The Court in brief leaflet is an introduction to the Court and the key dates in its history. It gives a short summary of the Convention and its guarantees and prohibitions.
Which rights are protected by the Convention?
States that have ratified the Convention, also known as “States Parties”, have undertaken to secure and guarantee to everyone...
Which rights are protected by the Convention?
States that have ratified the Convention, also known as “States Parties”, have undertaken to secure and guarantee to everyone within...
4 Kasım 1950 tarihinde Roma’da imzalanan Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi, İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi’nde belirtilen hakları somutlaştıran ve bağlayıcı duruma getiren ilk belgedir....
Az 1950. november 4-én Rómában aláírt Európai Emberi Jogi Egyezmény volt az első olyan eszköz, amely kikristályosította és kikényszeríthetővé tette az Emberi Jogok Egyetemes...