As part of the Council of Europe, the continent’s unique intergovernmental organisation devoted to the promotion of human rights, the Pompidou Group – named after the former French President who initiated its creation – places human rights at the heart of drug and addiction policies. Its wide-ranging expertise, built up over more than 50 years, provides political guidance and practical tools that help decision-makers in its 41 member states to carry out measures to reduce drugs trafficking and drug use, better treat substance use disorders and resolve negative impacts of addictions in society.
The road map for the Pompidou Group’s future action is contained in the Lisbon Declaration and the related work programme for 2023-2025, which were both adopted at the Ministerial Conference hosted by the outgoing Portuguese Presidency on 13-14 December 2022. On this occasion, Italy has been elected as the new Presidency, and Switzerland as the Vice-Presidency.
In 2023, under the guidance of its new leadership, the Pompidou Group will start implementing the three-year work programme adopted at the Lisbon ministerial conference, with the following priorities:
- Promoting sustainable drug and addiction policies in conformity with human rights;
- Safeguarding democratic societies by addressing addictions that impact human autonomy;
- Protecting the rights of persons belonging to vulnerable and risk groups;
- Reducing trafficking of illicit drugs and preventing the diversion of precursors.
Lisbon Declaration
Pompidou Group Work Programme 2023 – 2025