Sexism is a major obstacle to the realization of human rights and gender equality. In March 2019, the Council of Europe established the first international legal definition of sexism through its Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1, aimed at preventing and combating sexist behavior in all its forms.
This report analyzes the progress made in implementing this Recommendation, while highlighting the remaining challenges. Between legislative advancements and promising initiatives, it offers recommendations to strengthen the fight against sexism and sexist hate speech.
An essential tool for understanding current issues and taking concrete action toward a more equal society.
Sexism is a major obstacle to the realization of human rights and gender equality. In March 2019, the Council of Europe established the first international legal definition of sexism through its Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1, aimed at preventing and combating sexist behavior in all its forms.
This report analyzes the progress made in implementing this Recommendation, while highlighting the remaining challenges. Between legislative advancements and promising initiatives, it offers recommendations to strengthen the fight against sexism and sexist hate speech.
An essential tool for understanding current issues and taking concrete action toward a more equal society.