Migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls form a diverse group in many respects. They also constitute more than half of the migrant population in Europe. Persisting gender inequalities in both countries of origin and destination have an impact on their migration experience. Migration, asylum and integration policies therefore should be gendersensitive, including specific protection and support mechanisms. In response to this need, the Council of Europe has adopted Recommendation CM/Rec (2022)17 on protecting the rights of migrant, refugee and asylumseeking women and girls. The recommendation brings together the provisions of existing Council of Europe and international standards and the policies that can best ensure the empowerment and protection of the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls.
Appendix to Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)17
I. Scope
II. Horizontal issues
III. Protection and support
IV. Arrival
V. Residence and integration
VI. Returns