Under the Pompidou Group’s (Council of Europe International Co-operation Group on Drugs and Addictions) project on ‘Developing comprehensive drug treatment systems in prisons’...
Faisant partie du Conseil de l'Europe, l'unique organisation intergouvernementale du continent consacrée à la promotion des droits de l'Homme, le Groupe Pompidou - du nom de l'ancien...
Handbook for professionals working in the field of addictions with refugees, migrants, and internally displaced persons This handbook aims to provide practitioners with a...
Manuel à l’usage des professionnels travaillant avec les réfugiés, les migrants et les personnes déplacées dans le domaine des addictions Conçu comme un guide complet, ce manuel...
Criminal subculture has gained traction as an important factor shaping drug use and addiction treatment throughout Eastern European and Central Asian prisons. This report commissioned...
Prison is a high-risk environment – for detainees and staff alike. People who inject drugs in prison are exposed to various health risks, such as overdosing, abscessed infections of...
Supply reduction is often the main approach used for addressing the illicit drug problem.
Evaluating drug policy is an integral part of a cost-efficient approach to tackle illicit...