Guidelines, explanatory report and interpretative declarations
The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe has drawn up this code of good practice in electoral matters, which is based on guidelines founded on the principles of the European electoral heritage: universal, equal, free, secret and direct suffrage. In addition, elections must be periodic. It is understood that such a code should include rules covering both the pre-electoral and electoral periods and the period immediately following the vote.
INTRODUCTION GUIDELINES I. Principles of Europe’s electoral heritage
1. Universal suffrage
2. Equal suffrage
3. Free suffrage
4. Secret suffrage
5. Direct suffrage
6. Frequency of elections
II. Conditions for implementing these principles
1. Respect for fundamental rights
2. Regulatory levels and stability of electoral law
3. Procedural guarantees
EXPLANATORY REPORT I. The underlying principles of Europe’s electoral heritage
Introduction: the principles and their legal basis
1. Universal suffrage
2. Equal suffrage
3. Free suffrage
4. Secret suffrage
5. Direct suffrage
6. Frequency of elections
II. Conditions for implementing the principles
1. Respect for fundamental rights
2. Regulatory levels and stability of electoral law
3. Procedural safeguards
Stability of the electoral law
Women’s participation in elections
Participation of people with disabilities in elections
Publication of lists of voters having participated in elections
Digital technologies and artificial intelligence