Famous cartoon mouse Geronimo Stilton explains the Council of Europe
Published :
04/22/2022 10:02:53
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The famous cartoon mouse Geronimo Stilton, created by Elisabetta Dami and loved by children all over the world, is the star of a new book to mark the six-month Italian Presidency of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. Welcome to the Council of Europe aims to allow children to discover the Council of Europe’s functions, tasks and founding values. The special edition was created by Edizioni PIEMME-Mondadori Libri, in collaboration with Atlantyca Entertainment, for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Directorate General for Political Affairs and Security, in collaboration with the Council of Europe.
Accompanied by his family, Geronimo Stilton goes to the Palace of Europe, the main headquarters of the Council of Europe, to open the Assembly "For a future together". Here Geronimo meets representatives of the institutions, speakers and experts ready to tell him about the commitment of each in different areas - from the promotion of women’s empowerment to the protection of minors, from the enhancement and safeguarding of European cultural heritage to the proposal to regulate the impact of artificial intelligence on human rights. A great adventure to further the work of the Council of Europe and its actions in defense of justice, equality and human rights.
Welcome to the Council of Europe is available in three languages (Italian, French and English) and printed in 16,000 copies. The digital version is also freely available here.