The evaluation of the implementation of the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan highlights achievements over the ten-year period in particular with regard to legislation, service delivery, the physical environment and attitudes towards persons with disabilities.
There are significant challenges ahead that cannot be eliminated overnight. They call for the continued commitment of governments, the full involvement of organisations of and for persons with disabilities, and other relevant stakeholders, sharing of knowhow and exchanging of promising practices to ensure that Europe becomes a democratic, welcoming home for all, and upholds its values of democracy, respect for human rights and diversity.
The Evaluation Report follows the Plan’s 15 action lines and outlines their AIMS, depicts the positive influence of the Plan under IMPACTS, and highlights the shortcomings in its implementation under CHALLENGES.
The evaluation of the implementation of the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan highlights achievements over the ten-year period in particular with regard to legislation, service delivery, the physical environment and attitudes towards persons with disabilities.
There are significant challenges ahead that cannot be eliminated overnight. They call for the continued commitment of governments, the full involvement of organisations of and for persons with disabilities, and other relevant stakeholders, sharing of knowhow and exchanging of promising practices to ensure that Europe becomes a democratic, welcoming home for all, and upholds its values of democracy, respect for human rights and diversity.
The Evaluation Report follows the Plan’s 15 action lines and outlines their AIMS, depicts the positive influence of the Plan under IMPACTS, and highlights the shortcomings in its implementation under CHALLENGES.