Dosta! campaign Posters are available upon request for governments and NGOs in printed format (A3 or A4) in any of the Dosta! campaign languages. Any request should be sent to [email protected], accompanied by the name and complete address of the adressee as well as by the quantity desired. You can also download them from this website: http://dosta-coe.org/posters and post it on your webpage by clicking on your language for displaying it in bigger format (then click right, and select "save as").
The Dosta! campaign also invites you to produce new posters against anti-gypsyism. For more information, go to the announcement of the Poster Competition.
Dosta! campaign Posters are available upon request for governments and NGOs in printed format (A3 or A4) in any of the Dosta! campaign languages. Any request should be sent to [email protected], accompanied by the name and complete address of the adressee as well as by the quantity desired. You can also download them from this website: http://dosta-coe.org/posters and post it on your webpage by clicking on your language for displaying it in bigger format (then click right, and select "save as").
The Dosta! campaign also invites you to produce new posters against anti-gypsyism. For more information, go to the announcement of the Poster Competition.