This First General Report on the activities of the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) covers the period from September 2015 to May...
Cette nouvelle stratégie, adoptée le 7 mars 2018, s’appuie sur le vaste acquis juridique et politique du Conseil de l'Europe en matière d’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, ainsi...
Providing policy makers, border and immigration officials and practitioners with practical advice including definitions, information and examples of gender-based violence that may be...
As women’s political activity has grown, so has the frequency and degree of violent responses to their presence in politics. Around the world, politically active women – voters,...
Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy Despite the existence of gender-sensitive norms and policies, reports from international and civil society organisations have highlighted...
A handbook for parliamentarians on the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence Violence against women is a violation of...
Quel rôle les parlements nationaux peuvent-ils jouer dans la lutte contre la montée du harcèlement et du discours de haine à l’encontre des femmes politiques et parlementaires ? Le...
What role can national Parliaments play in combating the increasing level of harassment and hate speech towards female politicians and parliamentarians?
Harassment and hate...
Migrant women, with or without documents, and women asylum seekers are particularly vulnerable to gender-based violence. Although their reasons for leaving their country vary, as does...
Les femmes migrantes, avec ou sans papiers, et les femmes demandeuses d’asile sont particulièrement vulnérables à la violence fondée sur le genre. Si les raisons qui les poussent à...