Tracking, analysing and displaying data on the performance level of the courts
This manual provides an overview of this management tool for displaying, tracking, and analysing multiple data in one place. Based on performance indicators, it helps courts, their managers, and justice professionals to measure performance and efficiency of judicial work, thus facilitating the distribution of tasks within the courts.
It provides practical, step-by-step guidance on how to develop comprehensive court and judge-level dashboards. It covers the dashboard design process, its content, data visualisation, technical requirements, and contains practical examples of dashboards. The concepts it highlights are presented as food for thought, and court systems are encouraged to take ownership of the general framework and adapt it to their own needs.
The handbook was prepared by the European Commission for the efficiency of justice’s Working Group on judicial time management (CEPEJ-SATURN).
Introduction A. Content of the dashboards
A.1 General definitions and purpose
A.2 Initial classification of the dashboards
A.3 Recommended KPIs for courts systems
B. Visualisation of data
B.1 Data filtering
B.2 Composition of KPIs, layout and flow
B.3 Types of visual representation and correct use of colours
C. Court-level template dashboards
C.1 Overall court performance
C.2 Incoming and pending cases in multiple case categories
C.3 Resolved cases comparison between different case categories
C.4 Focus on an individual case category
C.5 Timeframes comparison between multiple case categories
C.6 National overview
D. Judge-level template dashboards
D.1 Electronic task board
D.2 Case counts and CR dashboard
D.3 Pending cases dashboard
D.4 Resolved cases dashboard
E. Technical requirements
E.1 Data availability and access
E.2 Dashboard platform (software)
F. Guidelines for creating court dashboardsBibliography