How can individual freedoms and the right to safety be reconciled?
This question – intrinsic to any democratic system – challenges democracies around the world. Today, more than ever, they need to confront the direct threats of violent extremism and terror, and others, more subtle, such as online hate speech and cybercrime. New technologies also hold the key to some of the answers.
Final report, World Forum for Democracy 2015, Strasbourg, 18-20 November 2015
Conclusions and recommendations
Forum concept
Forum presentations and discussions
Opening session
Plenary session 1: Surveillance – what is the right dose?
Plenary session 2: Lifting the veil of fear – building trust and resilience in diverse societies
Plenary session 3 - Media responsibility in the “age of terror”
Plenary session 4: The democratic response - theme reports and a debate with panellists
Closing Session and Democracy Innovation Award, Council of Europe Hemicycle
Satellite events
2015 World Forum for Democracy: facts and figures
How can individual freedoms and the right to safety be reconciled?
This question – intrinsic to any democratic system – challenges democracies around the world. Today, more than ever, they need to confront the direct threats of violent extremism and terror, and others, more subtle, such as online hate speech and cybercrime. New technologies also hold the key to some of the answers.
Final report, World Forum for Democracy 2015, Strasbourg, 18-20 November 2015