Since the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) was set up in 2007, one of its major
priorities has been the promotion of diversity in and through sport. To this end, the Council
of Europe has developed a pan-European programme involving a variety of stakeholders from
public authorities and the world of sport. All have an important role to play in reversing
the discriminatory trends currently observed in sport and in promoting sport as a means
of fostering diversity and social cohesion.
This collection of handbooks of good practices is an illustration of current policies and
practices throughout Europe. Its aim is to disseminate and share positive experiences
highlighting the potential of sport for promoting the Council of Europe’s fundamental
values of human rights.
Since the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) was set up in 2007, one of its major
priorities has been the promotion of diversity in and through sport. To this end, the Council
of Europe has developed a pan-European programme involving a variety of stakeholders from
public authorities and the world of sport. All have an important role to play in reversing
the discriminatory trends currently observed in sport and in promoting sport as a means
of fostering diversity and social cohesion.
This collection of handbooks of good practices is an illustration of current policies and
practices throughout Europe. Its aim is to disseminate and share positive experiences
highlighting the potential of sport for promoting the Council of Europe’s fundamental
values of human rights.