“People’s rights are ... threatened by the impact of the economic crisis and growing inequalities. ... European societies have suffered the effects of the recent economic crisis, which has deeply affected social cohesion in many member States, and which may eventually threaten both the rule of law and democracy.”
Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe (Report “State of democracy, human rights and rule of law in Europe” of 17 April 2014)
I. Introduction
II. The economic crisis in Europe
III. The impact of the economic crisis on human rights as addressed by the various Council of Europe organs and bodies
A. European Court of Human Rights
B. European Committee of Social Rights
C. Recent Council of Europe conferences in respect of the economic crisis
D. The principle of indivisibility of human rights and the question of consistency of the Council of Europe responses
IV. The impact of the economic crisis on human rights in specific areas
A. Access to justice and fair trial
B. Women and the economic crisis/Gender-related issues
C. Youth unemployment and children
D. Prison overcrowding
E. The protection of migrant workers and asylum seekers
F. Repercussions of the economic crisis on social cohesion
V. The role of national human rights structures in times of economic crisis
VI. The elaboration of criteria for the imposition of austerity measures
VII. Final considerations
A. Should the Committee of Ministers refrain from pursuing any activities related to the economic crisis?
B. In which areas should the Committee of Ministers consider any future activity?
VIII. Conclusions
“People’s rights are ... threatened by the impact of the economic crisis and growing inequalities. ... European societies have suffered the effects of the recent economic crisis, which has deeply affected social cohesion in many member States, and which may eventually threaten both the rule of law and democracy.”
Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe (Report “State of democracy, human rights and rule of law in Europe” of 17 April 2014)