Protecting the human rights and dignity of Roma and Traveller women in times of crises
The 8th International Roma Women’s Conference “Protecting the human rights and dignity of Roma and Traveller women in times of crises” examined whether intergovernmental co-operation and existing National Roma Inclusion Strategies support the measures taken by national authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference aimed to provide answers to the three main questions:
1. How should the Council of Europe, member states and civil society target the specific needs of women and girls by developing Roma and Traveller women and girls gender equality related thematic work in the member states?
2. Which priorities should be put forward to ensure that Roma and Traveller women and girls are not left behind but can equally benefit from the on-going and future crisis mitigation efforts?
3. How can civil society organisations in general, and Roma and Traveller women’s civil society organisations in particular, influence the advancement of gender equality and of gender mainstreaming?
Civil society recommendations regarding the work of the Council of Europe
Civil society recommendations regarding the work of the member states
Civil society recommendations regarding the work of the Roma and Traveller and pro-Roma and Traveller Civil Society
4.1. Opening statements and keynote speeches
4.2. Plenary session 1: How the pandemic has impacted on Roma and Traveller women and girls’ health?
4.3. Plenary session 2: Parallel workshops
4.4. Plenary session 3: How the pandemic affects the problem of statelessness and lack of ID?
4.5. Plenary session 4: Parallel workshops
4.6. Closing remarks