Recommendation CM/Rec(2024)2 of the Council of Europe aims to combat strategic lawsuits against public participation, known as "SLAPPs". It defines such actions as legal procedures designed to intimidate or silence critical voices on matters of public interest. The recommendation proposes guidelines applicable to various legal contexts, including cross-border or anonymous prosecutions, and provides a list of indicators for identifying such abuses. Member states are encouraged to strengthen their legislative frameworks, protect victims and promote awareness of these practices through educational programmes and training.
Appendix to Recommendation CM/Rec(2024)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs)
I. Scope and definitions
II. Safeguards, remedies and transparency
III. Support for targets and victims of SLAPPs
IV. Education, training and awareness raising
V. National co-ordination and international co-operation
Foreword – Recommendation and Explanatory Memorandum
Background and Context
Operative Part
Appendix to the Recommendation
I. Scope and definitions
II. Safeguards, remedies and transparency
III. Support for targets and victims of SLAPPs
IV. Education, training and awareness raising
V. National co-ordination and international co-operation