La « Semaine de la jeunesse Enter! – Nos droits, notre vie » (Strasbourg, 7-11 juillet 2019) a associé des jeunes et des travailleurs de jeunesse à l’examen du processus de mise en...
The "Enter! Youth Week, Nos droits, notre vie", associated young people and youth workers to review the process of the implementation of the recommendation on the access of young people...
Promouvoir et à protéger les droits des Roms et des Gens du voyage dans les États membres du Conseil de l'Europe et favoriser l'égalité des chances, la diversité et l'inclusion sociale en...
Promoting and protecting the rights of Roma and Travellers in Council of Europe member states and fostering equal opportunities, diversity and social inclusion by fighting discrimination...
Cités interculturelles (ICC) est un programme du Conseil de l’Europe ayant pour objet d’aider les pouvoirs publics locaux à concevoir des politiques d’intégration inclusives et à les...
A practical guide for applying the urban model of intercultural inclusion Diversity has become a key feature of societies today and is particularly tangible in urban centres. While...
The Intercultural cities programme supports cities in reviewing their policies through an intercultural lens and developing comprehensive intercultural strategies to help them manage...
Populist, demagogic, and often xenophobic discourses have proliferated in recent years, reinforcing prejudice and barriers between “us” and “them”, groups “defined” by ethnic, national,...
Building on Council of Europe standards , case-law of the European Court of Human Rights as well as best practices from different European countries, the Council of Europe publication...
The Intercultural Cities Programme supports local authorities in designing governance mechanisms and policies which enable migrants and minorities to become a resource for the local...