The Council of Europe Convention on the Counterfeiting of Medical Products and Similar Crimes involving Threats to Public Health
Falsified medical products are a danger to public health and can violate the right to life enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. They can cause irreparable harm to millions of unsuspecting consumers via legal supply chains and the internet, and undermine public confidence in health-care systems. To stop this, the first step is to criminalise the activities connected with the falsification of medical products. This is the aim of the MEDICRIME Convention.
This booklet presents 10 key issues of relevance to parliamentarians regarding the MEDICRIME Convention in an easily-understandable format. It puts forth arguments in favour of signing, ratifying and implementing the MEDICRIME Convention and is aimed at promoting greater awareness of the public health threat posed by falsified medical products.
The Council of Europe Convention on the Counterfeiting of Medical Products and Similar Crimes involving Threats to Public Health
Falsified medical products are a danger to public health and can violate the right to life enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. They can cause irreparable harm to millions of unsuspecting consumers via legal supply chains and the internet, and undermine public confidence in health-care systems. To stop this, the first step is to criminalise the activities connected with the falsification of medical products. This is the aim of the MEDICRIME Convention.
This booklet presents 10 key issues of relevance to parliamentarians regarding the MEDICRIME Convention in an easily-understandable format. It puts forth arguments in favour of signing, ratifying and implementing the MEDICRIME Convention and is aimed at promoting greater awareness of the public health threat posed by falsified medical products.