This handbook provides practical training and advice for front-line professionals
involved in the design, implementation and review of Life Projects,
as defined in Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)9 of the
Committee of Ministers to member states on life projects for unaccompanied
migrant minors.
Section 1. Introduction
1.1. Origins of the Life Project concept
1.2. What are Life Projects?
1.3. The objectives of the Life Project, conceptually and individually
1.4. Conditions required for the successful implementation
of Life Projects
Section 2. The role of stakeholders
Section 3. Putting the Life Project concept into practice:
guidelines for front-line professionals
3.1. Background preparation for the task
3.2. Early stages of relationship building: Z’s story
3.3. Preparing the minor for the Life Project concept –
Z’s story continued
3.4. Formulating the first Life Project – Y’s story
3.5. Written agreements and mutual commitment:
Y’s story continued
3.6. Routine and planned reviews
3.7. Monitoring and implementation and dealing
with difficulties: B’s story
3.8. Revising the Life Project: K’s story
3.9. Revising the Life Project: M’s story
This handbook provides practical training and advice for front-line professionals
involved in the design, implementation and review of Life Projects,
as defined in Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)9 of the
Committee of Ministers to member states on life projects for unaccompanied
migrant minors.