The 2005 Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings is the first international legal instrument to adopt a human rights-based approach to combating human trafficking. Its implementation is being monitored by the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), which issues country-by-country reports tracing the evolution of efforts to combat trafficking in human beings, and identifying gaps in the implementation of the Convention as well as good practices.
On the basis of GRETA’s reports, the Committee of the Parties to the Convention adopts recommendations, requesting States Parties to report back on the steps taken to implement them.
This publication provides a selection of examples of situations where States Parties to the Convention have taken measures to improve their legislation, policy and practice in the light of GRETA’s reports and the Committee of the Parties’ recommendations. The monitoring work of GRETA has been an integral contributing factor to these changes.