Le projet ECN de la Division des Politiques Educatives du Conseil de l’Europe a pour objectif de permettre aux enfants de participer activement et de manière autonome à la société...
Le società europee contemporanee si trovano a dovere affrontare numerose sfide, che vanno dal continuo calo dei tassi di partecipazione elettorale, alla crescente diffidenza nei...
Avrupa’daki çağdaş toplumlar seçimlerde oy kullanan seçmen sayısının azalması, politikacılara duyulan güvensizliğin artması, yüksek seviyedeki nefret suçları, azınlıktaki etnik ve dini...
Insegna ai tuoi studenti i valori condivisi in Europa: libertà di espressione, equo sistema giudiziario, uguaglianza uomo-donna, abolizione della pena di morte, elezioni libere,...
Naucz swoich uczniów wspólnych wartości Europy : swoboda wypowiedzi, rzetelny wymiar sprawiedliwości, równość płci, zniesienie kary śmierci, wolne wybory,...
Le 1 er janvier 2016, le monde a entrepris la mise en œuvre du « Programme de développement durable de l’ONU à l’horizon 2030 », vision ambitieuse et universelle axée sur 17 Objectifs de...
Living with Controversy - Teaching Controversial Issues Through Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights (EDC/HRE) - Training Pack for Teachers
This Training Pack is a...
Living with Controversy - Teaching Controversial Issues Through Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights (EDC/HRE) - Training Pack for Teachers
This Training Pack is a...
Every child has the right to live free from physical and psychological violence.
Violence in schools is one of the most visible forms of violence against children. Violence in...
Every child has the right to live free from physical and psychological violence.
Violence in schools is one of the most visible forms of violence against children. Violence in...