Rapports annuels d'activité
Affichage 21-30 de 40 article(s)
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Ref 050417GBR_epub
" Council of Europe Highlights 2016 provides a comprehensive overview of the Organisation’s work to promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Some of our activities generate...
Alors que cette édition des Points forts 2019 était en cours de finalisation, nos sociétés, en proie à la crise du coronavirus, ont eu à affronter des défis sans précédent, à la fois...
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Ref 050517FRA_epub
"La publication Points forts 2016 du Conseil de l’Europe dresse le panorama des travaux de l’Organisation pour promouvoir les droits de l’homme, la démocratie et l’État de droit....
Democracy is in distress! The Secretary General of the 47-nation Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, has highlighted a “clear and worrying degree of democratic backsliding” in...
This publication presents the work carried out in 2015 by the different bodies and sectors of the Council of Europe, highlighting its particular strengths and achievements.
Cette publication présente les travaux menés au cours de l’année 2015 par les différents organes et secteurs d’activité du Conseil de l’Europe, en proposant une sélection de points forts...
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Ref 075923GBR
This publication presents the work carried out in 2022 by the different bodies and sectors of the Council of Europe, highlighting its particular strengths and achievements.
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Ref 052922GBR
This publication presents the work carried out in 2021 by the different bodies and sectors of the Council of Europe, highlighting its particular strengths and achievements.
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Ref 034415GBR_edoc
This publication presents the work carried out in 2014 by the different bodies and sectors of the Council of Europe, highlighting its particular strengths and achievements.
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Ref 070121GBR
In 2020, violations of fundamental human rights principles in Europe were more worrying than ever. A clear and worrying degree of democratic backsliding was noted in our continent, across...