Children's rights
There are 185 products.
Les mains devraient protéger, pas frapper (2014)
“Levez la main contre la fessée!” est une campagne de sensibilisation paneuropéenne lancée par le Conseil de l’Europe contre les châtiments corporels. Le Conseil de l’Europe s’élève...
Your hands should nurture not punish (2014)
“Raise your hand against smacking!” is a Council of Europe campaign against corporal punishment of children. The Council of Europe is challenging corporal punishment by campaigning for...
Your hands should nurture not punish (2014)
“Raise your hand against smacking!” is a Council of Europe campaign against corporal punishment of children. The Council of Europe is challenging corporal punishment by campaigning for...
Off the books! Guidance for Europe’s parliaments on law reform to eliminate corporal punishment of children (2013)
Just as the Council of Europe systematically campaigned to rid Europe of the death penalty, it is now pursuing its vision of a continent free of corporal punishment. Hitting people is...
Hors la loi ! Conseils à l’usage des parlements désirant réformer la législation en vue d’éliminer les châtiments corporels des enfants (2013)
Le Conseil de l’Europe, qui a constamment milité pour éliminer la peine de mort en Europe, poursuit aussi sa vision d’un continent duquel seraient bannis tous les châtiments corporels....
Pass til dine rettigheter (2013)
The " passport to your rights " is an passport created for all children. It allows children enter in the world of their rights in a playful manner, explaining their basic rights, as well...
Paszport do Twoich praw (2013)
The " passport to your rights " is an passport created for all children. It allows children enter in the world of their rights in a playful manner, explaining their basic rights, as well...
Passaporte para os teus direitos (2013)
The " passport to your rights " is an passport created for all children. It allows children enter in the world of their rights in a playful manner, explaining their basic rights, as well...