Young refugees are among the most vulnerable groups, due to experiences that may have involved violence, exploitation and trauma, as well as the continuing risk of violation of their human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular those who are not accompanied or have been separated from their families.
On reaching the age of majority, young refugees no longer have access to the same rights and opportunities as they had as children and many of them, as adults, are likely to face an abrupt change in their ability to access services and support across many sectors.
This recommendation aims to safeguard the rights and opportunities of young refugees in transition to adulthood (i.e. young people having reached the age of 18, who arrived in Europe as children and have obtained or qualify for refugee status).
Ensuring their access to education, accommodation, employment and health care serves to facilitate their social inclusion and to reduce their risk of exposure to violence, exploitation and abuse, including gender-based violence and discrimination.
Youth work in all its diversity can also provide a strong foundation for the social inclusion of young refugees, and should be encouraged and supported in its efforts to specifically integrate young refugees in transition to adulthood.
Appendix to Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on supporting young refugees in transition to adulthood