The document is aimed at citizens, teachers, students, journalists, human rights defenders and public officials – in fact, anyone interested in the European Convention on Human Rights and its positive impact.
The Court in brief leaflet is an introduction to the Court and the key dates in its history. It gives a short summary of the Convention and its guarantees and prohibitions.
La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme,traité international élaboré au sein du Conseil de l’Europe, a été ouverte à la signature à Rome en 1950. Le 1er juin 2010, elle a été...
Pour les enseignants, un outil dynamique pour les élèves sur l'apprentissage et la compréhension de leurs droits Sensibiliser les jeunes aux droits humains est l’une des missions les...
The document is aimed at citizens, teachers, students, journalists, human rights defenders and public officials – in fact, anyone interested in the European Convention on Human Rights and its positive impact.