Naučite svoje učenike više o zajedničkim vrednostima Evrope: slobodi izražavanja, pravednom pravosudnom sistemu, ravnopravnosti polova, ukidanju smrtne kazne, slobodnim izborima i različitosti/nediskriminaciji.
Zabavite se u timskim izazovima, diskutujte i testirajte svoje znanje o demokratiji i ljudskim pravima!
Ova brošura prati društvenu igru za učenike uzrasta 8–12 godina, a neke njene stranice sadrže i informacije koje se mogu koristiti za pripremu za igre ili za nadogradnju stečenih znanja. Ovo je sjajna prilika da se igra u učionici kombinuje sa diskusijom o temeljnim vrednostima koje nam omogućavaju da živimo zajedno u društvu.
Poster with the map and flags of the 46 Council of Europe member states The Council of Europe represents a community of 700 million citizens across 46 countries. But which ones? This...
Brochure: designed to raise awareness among young people of the council of Europe's key values - respect for democracy, justice, democratic citizenship, sport without violence, nature,...
Serbian edition - Council of Europe corporate leaflet. It focuses on the Council of Europe’s global co-operation and its role as guardian of human rights. It explains its structure and...
Whether you just want to take a quick look around, or you’re after a full in-depth tour, this leaflet lets you choose the visit the best suits your needs.
Abolishing the death penalty, upholding freedom of expression, safeguarding children’s rights, promoting gender equality, combating terrorism, guaranteeing compliance with quality...