Abolishing the death penalty, upholding freedom of expression, safeguarding children’s rights, promoting gender equality, combating terrorism, guaranteeing compliance with quality standards for medicines and health care… These issues affect each and every one of us, but do you know what role is played by the Council of Europe in these spheres?
By drawing up, implementing and monitoring over 200 conventions, the Council of Europe has been striving – since its creation in 1949 – to uphold the fundamental values of our continent: human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
The best known of its treaties is the European Convention on Human Rights, and the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights are regularly reported on in the media.
This brochure provides a quick overview of what the Council of Europe does and how it works.
The Council of Europe in brief
The main conventions
Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms
The main partial agreements
The Council of Europe and young people
The Council of Europe and the European Union
Member states
Abolishing the death penalty, upholding freedom of expression, safeguarding children’s rights, promoting gender equality, combating terrorism, guaranteeing compliance with quality standards for medicines and health care… These issues affect each and every one of us, but do you know what role is played by the Council of Europe in these spheres?
By drawing up, implementing and monitoring over 200 conventions, the Council of Europe has been striving – since its creation in 1949 – to uphold the fundamental values of our continent: human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
The best known of its treaties is the European Convention on Human Rights, and the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights are regularly reported on in the media.
This brochure provides a quick overview of what the Council of Europe does and how it works.