European Convention on Human Rights
Showing 191-200 of 201 item(s)
Which rights are protected by the Convention?
States that have ratified the Convention, also known as “States Parties”, have undertaken to secure and guarantee to everyone...
Մարդու իրավունքների եվրոպական կոնվենցիան, որը ստորագրվել է 1950 թվականի նոյեմբերի 4-ին Հռոմում, առաջին փաստաթուղթն էր, որը հստակեցրեց Մարդու իրավունքների համընդհանուր հռչակագրով ամրագրված...
Which rights are protected by the Convention?
States that have ratified the Convention, also known as “States Parties”, have undertaken to secure and guarantee to everyone...
The Court in brief leaflet is an introduction to the Court and the key dates in its history. It gives a short summary of the Convention and its guarantees and prohibitions.
Which rights are protected by the Convention?
States that have ratified the Convention, also known as “States Parties”, have undertaken to secure and guarantee to everyone within...
1950 წლის 4 ნოემბერს რომში ხელმოწერილი ადამიანის უფლებათა ევროპული კონვენცია პირველი აქტია, რომელიც სავალდებულო ძალას სძენს ადამიანის უფლებათა საყოველთაო დეკლარაციით გათვალისწინებულ...
The Court in brief leaflet is an introduction to the Court and the key dates in its history. It gives a short summary of the Convention and its guarantees and prohibitions.
1950年11月4日にローマで調印された欧州人権条約は、世界人権宣言に定 められた権利を結晶化し、拘束力を与えた最初の文書です。この条約は、生 存権や拷問の禁止など、国家が決して侵害することのできない絶対的な権 利を規定すると同時に、民主主義社会にとって必要な場合に限り法律によっ てのみ制限することができる特定の権利と自由、例えば自由および安全に対...
The Court in brief leaflet is an introduction to the Court and the key dates in its history. It gives a short summary of the Convention and its guarantees and prohibitions.
Which rights are protected by the Convention?
States that have ratified the Convention, also known as “States Parties”, have undertaken to secure and guarantee to everyone...